
Can surgery help with neck pain?

  Neck pain can result from different causes, like poor posture, muscle strain, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs and spinal stenosis. Though most cases of neck pain resolve with conservative treatments like physical therapy, medications as well as lifestyle changes, some individuals may require surgical intervention to achieve relief. Here, the best neck pain doctor in Kolkata has discussed how surgery can help with neck pain and the conditions that may necessitate it.  Conditions Requiring Surgical Intervention Herniated Discs : When a cervical disc herniates, it can compress nearby nerves, causing significant pain, weakness and numbness in the arms and neck. Surgery, such as a discectomy, involves removing the herniated portion of the disc to relieve nerve compression. Spinal Stenosis : It involves the narrowing of the spinal canal, which can compress the spinal cord or nerve roots, leading to neck pain and neurological symptoms. A procedure called decompression surgery ca

Risk factors for Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative Disc Disease refers to a condition that is characterized by the gradual breakdown of the intervertebral discs in the spine, resulting in pain, reduced flexibility and potential disability. Understanding the risk factors of the condition is crucial for prevention and management. Below, the best back pain doctor in Kolkata has shared their insights in this regard. Common Risk Factors for Degenerative Disc Disease Age is a predominant risk factor for Degenerative Disc Disease. As people age, the discs in the spine naturally lose their elasticity, making them more prone to wear and tear. This degenerative process begins as early as the 20s and 30s, with most individuals over 60 showing some degree of disc degeneration, although not all experience significant symptoms. Genetics also play a significant role in the predisposition to Degenerative Disc Disease. Studies have shown that a family history of spinal conditions increases the likelihood of developing Degenerative Disc

How is Endoscopic Spine Surgery done?

Endoscopic Spine Surgery Endoscopic Spine Surgery refers to a more advanced form of minimally invasive spine surgery. The procedure was developed to provide patients with a faster recovery and guard them against the recurrent pain associated with traditional spine surgery. In this procedure, the doctor makes micro-sized incisions that are less than an inch and uses an endoscope to visualize the surgical area. The endoscope features a small camera that is inserted into the spine through the incision. It helps the surgeon to see inside the spine and make the necessary repairs. Get to know how endoscopic spine surgery is performed by the best spine surgeon in Kolkata . How is Endoscopic Spine Surgery done? Endoscopic Spine Surgery is done with the help of an endoscope which is equipped with a light source and a high-resolution camera lens. During the endoscopic spine surgery, the surgeon makes an incision while carefully separating the muscles to offer a small pathway for the endoscope to

The common causes of back pain

Back pain is a widespread issue affecting people of all ages. Whether it’s a dull ache or sharp pain, understanding the common causes can help you seek appropriate treatment. If you’re experiencing persistent discomfort, consulting a back pain doctor in Kolkata can provide a personalized diagnosis and treatment plan. Poor Posture One of the most common causes of back pain is poor posture. Slouching or sitting for long periods without proper support can strain your back muscles and spine, leading to chronic pain. Maintaining good posture is crucial, whether you’re sitting at a desk, standing, or sleeping. Muscle or Ligament Strain Heavy lifting, sudden movements, or awkward twisting can strain the muscles and ligaments in your back. This type of strain often results from physical activities that your body isn’t accustomed to. Even simple actions like bending over can cause this kind of injury. Herniated Discs Your spine is made up of bones (vertebrae) cushioned by discs. When one of th

The causes of neck pain

If you're experiencing neck pain, understanding its underlying causes is essential for effective treatment. Let's explore the factors contributing to neck discomfort and the importance of consulting a   neck pain doctor in Kolkata  for expert guidance and care. Common Causes of Neck Pain Neck pain can stem from various sources, including: Muscle Strain One of the most common causes of neck pain is muscle strain, often due to poor posture, repetitive movements, or sudden jerking motions. Strained muscles in the neck and shoulder area can lead to stiffness, soreness, and discomfort. Poor Posture Spending long hours hunched over a computer or mobile device can strain the muscles and ligaments in the neck, leading to chronic neck pain. Maintaining proper posture and taking regular stretch breaks can help alleviate discomfort. Neck Injuries Traumatic events such as car accidents, falls, or sports injuries can cause neck injuries such as whiplash or cervical spine fractures. These in

What are the Benefits of Spinal Fixation?

Spinal fixation, also known as spinal fusion, refers to a surgical procedure used to stabilize and fuse two or more vertebrae in the spine. The best spine surgeon in Kolkata tells us about the advantages of spinal fixation. Benefits of spinal fixation While it is primarily performed to address various spinal conditions and injuries, spinal fixation offers the following advantages: Stability Spinal fixation stabilizes the spine by fusing vertebrae together, lowering abnormal movement between them. This stability can alleviate pain and prevent further damage to the spinal cord and nerves. Pain relief  By stabilizing the spine and eliminating movement at the affected vertebral segment, spinal fixation may significantly reduce or eliminate pain associated with conditions such as spinal fractures, degenerative disc disease and spinal deformities like scoliosis. Improved spinal alignment Spinal fixation may correct abnormal spinal alignment, such as in cases of spondylolisthesis, by realign