Causes, Symptoms and Risk Factors for Discogenic Pain

Discogenic pain is pain originating from the intervertebral discs of the spine. These discs act as shock absorbers in between the vertebrae, providing flexibility and cushioning. When these discs become damaged or degenerate, they can cause significant pain and discomfort. Here’s a closer look at the causes, symptoms and risk factors associated with discogenic pain as explained by the best neck pain doctor in Kolkata


  1. Degenerative Disc Disease: The primary cause of discogenic pain is degenerative disc disease, where the discs lose hydration and elasticity over time, leading to wear and tear. This can result in disc herniation or bulging, causing irritation of nearby nerves and pain.

  1. Disc Tears: Tears or fissures in the outer layer of the disc can occur due to injury, repetitive strain or degeneration. These tears can result in inflammation and pain.

  1. Disc Herniation: When the inner core of the disc protrudes through a tear in the outer layer, it can compress nearby nerves, causing pain that radiates into the legs or arms.


As per the best neck pain doctor in Kolkata, the symptoms of discogenic pain include:

  • Localized Back Pain: Pain is typically felt in the affected area of the spine, often worsened by movements like bending, lifting or twisting.

  • Radicular Pain: If a herniated disc compresses a nerve root, pain can radiate down the arm (cervical spine) or leg (lumbar spine), often accompanied by numbness, weakness or tingling in the affected limb.

  • Pain with Sitting or Standing: Discogenic pain is often aggravated by prolonged standing or sitting, as these positions increase pressure on the discs.

  • Stiffness: Stiffness in the spine, especially in the morning or after prolonged inactivity, can be a symptom of discogenic pain.

Risk Factors:

  • Age: Disc degeneration is a natural part of aging, with discs gradually losing hydration and elasticity over time.

  • Occupational Hazards: Jobs that involve repetitive lifting, bending, or twisting motions can enhance the risk of discogenic pain.

  • Obesity: Excess body weight places increased stress on the spine and its supporting structures, accelerating disc degeneration.

  • Genetics: Some individuals may inherit genes that predispose them to early disc degeneration or structural abnormalities of the spine.

  • Smoking: Smoking reduces blood flow to the spine, impairing disc nutrition and accelerating degeneration.

If you experience persistent back pain or symptoms suggestive of disc-related issues, consulting the best neck pain doctor in Kolkata is essential for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment.


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