Risk factors for Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative Disc Disease refers to a condition that is characterized by the gradual breakdown of the intervertebral discs in the spine, resulting in pain, reduced flexibility and potential disability. Understanding the risk factors of the condition is crucial for prevention and management. Below, the best back pain doctor in Kolkata has shared their insights in this regard.

Common Risk Factors for Degenerative Disc Disease

  • Age is a predominant risk factor for Degenerative Disc Disease. As people age, the discs in the spine naturally lose their elasticity, making them more prone to wear and tear. This degenerative process begins as early as the 20s and 30s, with most individuals over 60 showing some degree of disc degeneration, although not all experience significant symptoms.

  • Genetics also play a significant role in the predisposition to Degenerative Disc Disease. Studies have shown that a family history of spinal conditions increases the likelihood of developing Degenerative Disc Disease, indicating that genetic factors can influence the structural integrity and longevity of spinal discs. 

  • Occupational hazards and lifestyle choices are critical contributors to Degenerative Disc Disease. Occupations that require heavy lifting, repetitive motions or prolonged sitting can accelerate disc degeneration by placing excessive stress on the spine. Poor posture and inadequate ergonomic practices can further exacerbate this stress, states the best back pain doctor in Kolkata. 

  • Smoking is another significant risk factor. Nicotine restricts blood flow to the discs, impairing their ability to repair and maintain healthy tissue. This decreased blood flow accelerates the degenerative process and exacerbates symptoms. 

  • Obesity and lack of physical activity are additional factors that increase the risk of Degenerative Disc Disease. Excess weight puts strain on the spine, particularly the lower back, which can speed up the degeneration of discs. Also, a lack of physical activity leads to weaker muscles that support the spine, reducing its overall stability and making it more susceptible to injury and degeneration. 

  • Trauma or injury to the spine can initiate or accelerate the degenerative process. A significant injury can cause immediate damage to a disc, while smaller, repeated traumas can contribute to long-term degeneration. 

Additionally, individuals with poor overall physical health, including conditions like diabetes, may have an increased risk of developing Degenerative Disease due to systemic factors that affect tissue health and repair mechanisms. 

While Degenerative Disc Disease is influenced by various uncontrollable factors like age and genetics, many risk factors are related to lifestyle and occupational choices. Consultation with the best back pain doctor in Kolkata and management of these risk factors are essential for mitigating the impact of this common condition.


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