
Showing posts from July, 2024

Understanding the Underlying Reasons Behind Back Pain

Back pain - it's a common culprit that disrupts our daily lives. Whether it's a sharp twinge or dull ache, understanding the cause is the first step to finding relief. Know more about back pain and its underlying reasons from the best back pain doctor in Kolkata . Reasons behind back pain Back pain usually stems from muscular issues. Overuse, strain or improper lifting can lead to muscle tears or ligament sprains. Weak core muscles, essential for supporting the spine, can also contribute to pain. Strong core muscles help maintain proper posture and distribute stress evenly. Daily habits can play a significant role. Sitting for extended periods, especially with poor posture, puts a strain on your back. If you have a desk job, incorporate regular stretches and get up to move around throughout the day. Being overweight puts stress on the spine, so maintaining a healthy weight can be beneficial. Back pain can even be caused by structural problems within the spine itself.  Degenera

Causes, Symptoms and Risk Factors for Discogenic Pain

Discogenic pain is pain originating from the intervertebral discs of the spine. These discs act as shock absorbers in between the vertebrae, providing flexibility and cushioning. When these discs become damaged or degenerate, they can cause significant pain and discomfort. Here’s a closer look at the causes, symptoms and risk factors associated with discogenic pain as explained by the best neck pain doctor in Kolkata .  Causes Degenerative Disc Disease : The primary cause of discogenic pain is degenerative disc disease, where the discs lose hydration and elasticity over time, leading to wear and tear. This can result in disc herniation or bulging, causing irritation of nearby nerves and pain. Disc Tears : Tears or fissures in the outer layer of the disc can occur due to injury, repetitive strain or degeneration. These tears can result in inflammation and pain. Disc Herniation : When the inner core of the disc protrudes through a tear in the outer layer, it can compress nearby nerves, c

Get to Know the Signs for Which You Should Consult a Spine Surgeon

  Introduction When it comes to spinal health, knowing when to seek advice from a spine surgeon is crucial. The spine refers to a complex structure that supports the entire body and protects the spinal cord, making any issues related to it potentially serious. Here are some signs that indicate it might be time to consult the best spine surgeon in Kolkata .  Signs you need to consult a spine surgeon Persistent Pain : In case you experience persistent pain in your neck, back or legs that don’t improve with rest, physical therapy or medication, it could indicate an underlying spinal issue. Pain that radiates down the legs or arms, especially if accompanied by numbness or weakness, may suggest nerve compression or herniated discs. Loss of Bladder or Bowel Control : This is a serious symptom that requires immediate medical intervention. It could indicate a condition where nerves at the end of the spinal cord are compressed. A spine surgeon would need to intervene promptly to prevent permane